March 28, 29 & 30 April 5 & 6, 2025
Friday 6PM-8PM Saturday & Sunday 11AM — 6:30PM eastern time
Class Via Zoom with Jennifer Moore Accredited EFT International Master Trainer
Our world has reached the tipping point for global transformation and healing. CoVid19 has changed nearly everything about what we consider “normal”. Environmental, Political and Social climates have heated up and our literal and emotional glaciers are melting at record speed. This leaves many of us contending with triggers, limiting beliefs and ancestral legacies of pain and dysfunction. Never in the history of humanity have tools that help us to release fear, pain and distress been more vital. Without these effective tools and support we find ourselves spinning our wheels in the muck. This distress manifests as physical pain, illness, stress, feelings of overwhelm and anxiousness, self sabotaging behaviors, addiction, and procrastination to scratch just the tip of the iceberg. If we are going to steer this planet in the right direction we need to take action now. It’s time for all hands on deck with everyone who is ready and willing to be part of the solution. With all the loss, trauma, confusion and senseless violence so many people are enduring this Earth needs every single skilled, compassionate EFT practitioner available.
I know all too well how carrying unresolved issues from the past causes us to struggle. It’s particularly challenging when we form conclusions based on those experiences which influence our beliefs from there on. When wounds are left to fester, we often end up with a dis-regulated inner five year old driving our bus. Without healing resources, even when we replay events over and over in our heads, we often have nothing to show for the agonizing effort. BUT using techniques that clear our $h!t thoroughly yet gently, is one of the best things about well facilitated EFT.
We can use EFT for physical pain, phobias, cravings, sensitivities, mental & emotional distress, relationship challenges, difficult memories, limiting beliefs, core issues, children & animals and so much more.
Not only is EFT a technique we can use to change our own lives, it’s a tool we can share to make a real difference on this planet. Now, one can easily find a lot free of tap-along videos and resources online. I gladly share the EFT basics with anyone who seeks it. HOWEVER, much of this internet tapping only begins to scratch the surface. While one can easily learn the basic tapping recipe in less than an hour, it takes time and conscientious mentoring to become a well trained skilled practitioner. This is when the miracles happen. This is how some of our most tenacious issues can be addressed and cleared. This is why I am passionate about teaching other sensitive, compassionate people how to use EFT with precision and care.
Over the course of 2 weekends we’ll explore fundamental and intermediate EFT skills in an intimate virtual setting. The limited class size allows for many opportunities for demonstration, practice, questions and feedback. The first part is devoted to Level 1 with a comprehensive presentation of EFT basics. Then for the remaining sessions we’ll dig into the tool box and explore numerous ways to use EFT effectively. Perhaps one of the best things about EFT is how gentle it can be even for addressing challenging issues. There will be particular focus on maintaining safety and holding space for transformation.
Training includes:
- Pre-course prep materials
- Weekly demonstrations
- Weekly training manuals
- Weekly practice sessions with assigned partners
- Class recordings
- Bonus videos & demos
- Follow-up meeting
- Opportunity to receive mentoring towards practitioner certification through EFT International
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- Preferred optionPay in Full 2 Weekend Training (Earlybird Rate till 2/28/25 $1097 after)$997.00
- Preferred optionSplit Pay for 2 Weekend Online Training2x $557.00
- Preferred optionPayment Plan for 2 Weekend Online EFT Training (Offer Expires March 14, 2025)4x $297.00
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One Time Special Offer: Add a private session for $444 (regularly $555)
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